Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Akademy 2017 - A wonderful experience

Hola Amigos!
Akademy 2017 was such a great experience, that I would love to share with you all in this post.

For those who are unaware about Akademy, it’s an annual world summit of KDE (Please refer
This year, Akademy was held in Almeria, Spain.


It features a 2-day conference with presentations on the latest KDE developments, followed by 4 days of workshops, Birds of a Feather (BoF) and coding sessions.

There are so many interesting talks given by some real tech enthusiasts, who are amiable and super cool. It is a great opportunity to meet people in person whom you have been communicating just knowing their IRC nickname.

So, as mentioned it started with some really interesting presentations on Plasma desktops, Plasma mobile, Ruqola, digiKam, WikiData, GCompris, KIO library, Calligra, KDE neon, Slimbook, Translating Challenges, and many more. We were fortunate to have Robert Kaye and Antonio Larrosa as our keynote speaker. These presentations were followed by BoF sessions and Workshops.

I conducted a workshop on Qt Quick Control 2, Paul Brown had some awesome stuff to share on what data should be visible to a viewer who visits your site or uses your product. Parallelly there was a BoF session, where the team brainstormed on Plasma mobile and Plasma vision.

[ ]

It was such pleasure to meet Valorie, Aleix Pol, Albert, Lydia, John Samuel, David, Timothee, Vasudha, Jonathan and so many more active contributes of KDE.

[Memories of Akademy 2017]

Now, How is KDE Akademy different than
I have been a part of KDE India conference held in Jaipur in 2016 []. Which looked like this:


When you see this, you find so many students, keen to know about foss and KDE community.
All are budding developers with some spark and unexplored ideas in their mind. So such type of conference held by KDE in India help these unexplored ideas to come into execution by using and developing features in the various software build by KDE developers.

Where as when you look at these bunch of developers here in this picture:  

This is the group photograph of Akademy 2017 attendees. They are the backbone of all softwares in KDE.

I would like to thank KDE for giving me this opportunity. It has added great experience and wonderful memories to my journey of foss development

[Hostel, Food, Location @ Akadmey]
Also, guys please help make KDE apps and Plasma easier to use, more convenient and accessible. Support #Randa2017.  (To know more about Randa refer:

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